ITA Recruitment

Main Content


Posters created to help recruit transer students for the Illini Transfer Ambassador role with New Student Programs. Each poster featured a previous ITA staff member along with a QR code to apply.

  • Illustrator icon Illustrator
  • Photoshop icon Photoshop
  • Image of two ITA poster examples
  • Image of one of the ITA posters
  • Image of one of the ITA posters
  • Image of one of the ITA posters
  • Image of one of the ITA posters

Digital Signage and Social Media Graphics

The posters were modified and resized for use as digital signage graphics displayed around campus and social media postings.

  • Illustrator icon Illustrator
  • Photoshop icon Photoshop
  • Digital signage graphic for ITA recruitment
  • Square graphic option for social media posting