ODOS Websites

Main Content

Office of the Dean of Students (ODOS)


Reorganization and redesign of the Office of the Dean of Students and reporting units' websites. Custom, hand-coded, fully-responsive templates using html, css, and javascript with a focus on usability, accessibility, and consistent branding.

  • HTML icon HTML
  • CSS icon CSS
  • Dreamweaver icon Dreamweaver
  • Photoshop icon Photoshop
  • Illustrator icon Illustrator
  • View of ODOS website on mobile screen
  • View of ODOS website on laptop screen
  • View of ODOS website on tablet screen

Community of Care (COC)


  • View of COC website on tablet screen
  • View of COC website on laptop screen
  • View of COC website on mobile screen

Off-Campus Community Living (OCCL)


  • View of OCCL website on laptop screen
  • View of OCCL website on tablet screen
  • View of OCCL website on mobile screen

Office for Student Conflict Resolution (OSCR)


  • View of OSCR website on laptop screen
  • View of OSCR website on tablet screen
  • View of OSCR website on mobile screen

Student Legal Services (SLS)


  • View of SLS website on mobile screen
  • View of SLS website on tablet screen
  • View of SLS website on laptop screen

Student Success & Engagement (SSE)


  • View of SSE website on laptop screen
  • View of SSE website on tablet screen
  • View of SSE website on mobile screen

Fraternity & Sorority Affairs (FSA)


  • View of FSA website on mobile screen
  • View of FSA website on laptop screen
  • View of FSA website on tablet screen

New Student Programs (NSP)


  • View of NSP website on laptop screen
  • View of NSP website on tablet screen
  • View of NSP website on mobile screen
  • View of Testing Center website on tablet screen
  • View of Testing Center website on laptop screen
  • View of Testing Center website on mobile screen

Veteran Student Support Services (VSSS)


  • View of VSSS website on laptop screen
  • View of VSSS website on tablet screen
  • View of VSSS website on mobile screen